ARAM - An Initiative by Paint Pondicherry. But Why?

Hello Everyone!

To understand what we do, please check Facebook - Paint Pondicherry.

Who are people?
What is a society?
How do people build a amicable Society to live in?
What is literacy?
What is Education?
What is the scope of Education?
Does education decide a society's moral, peace, growth or its existence?
What is the importance of education in building a balance in the society?
Is there any restrictions of how Education reaches to everyone?
What is the importance of School education?
Why is school education too important?
A Government in the societal construct provides education to everyone?
Is School Education disrupted by private players?
Does population effect the supply of School Education Services and thereby disrupt affordability?
Can a Child with talent, even academical talents, subjective talents can find a great future without money?
Does it happen for a child to afford education based on caste, creed, privilege, money, place in India/Tamil Nadu?

When I ponder over these thoughts, these questions, I only can think of the too many children we meet, interact during the events we conduct. Please check to know what we do. We work on Aesthetics and infrastructural developments of Educational Spaces in Government Schools .I wish to overlook the questions and seek to identify those really deserving kids because, end of the day, the kids never get to ask these questions. Because they are kids. They are children, they are victims of whatever we are going to leave in this space.

ARAM is an initiative which we intend to do as soon as possible. Of all the things which are happening in the Educational Ecosystem, we would like to once again represent the fact that affordability of basic school education is depended on various factors and it is not free anymore for everyone. Having said that, COVID 19 situation has pushed the regular school ecosystem towards a completely different system however, online classes, evaluations, the complete process of "Digitized School Education" is still a long way to go. I understand that there is a problem adding up to the problems in the "Affordability" factor. So wish to understand more from the people, evaluate the request and simply try to help them out. We wanted to start with providing Electronic Gadget (Laptop) to a "Flower Seller's " child and we want to seek to the many deserving kids out there. Please try to help us by spreading the word.

Let us all understand, Education is the soul if Environment is a tree. Let us all work towards helping dreams that we never know.

மதி கொண்டு மிதி பெற்று
தான் பெற்ற ஒரு பிள்ளை
கதி நினைத்து அவர் மதி
கூட வலி கொண்டு கீற்று
வீட்டில்  வியர்வை கொள்ளை
கொள்ள படிப்பு கண்டு
கனவு கொள்ள உண்டு
இவர்கள் எதிர்க்கலாம் என்றென
 வான் நோக்கி பறந்து செல்ல
இவர்கள் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு
ஒரு ஊன்றுகோல்

You can do two things if you wish to do something to the needy in Educational bandwidth,

1. Spread the word so that it reaches to parents who sweat their thoughts and blood towards their child's education.
2. You can be a part of the Initiative by any type of contributions. You can mail

The request Link:

R Mageswar 
Paint Pondicherry 


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